6 Christmas scents from Acorde fragrances and how to enhance them at the point of sale

Scents are a key element to give personality to the home at any time of the year. In addition, they can be changed according to the season, depending on whether we want a fresher scent in summer or more intense when the cold starts. So, to make it easy for you, we have made a list of 6 Christmas scents from Acorde fragrances and how to enhance them at the point of sale.

Acorde fragances velas y mikados

1. 6 Christmas scents by Acorde fragrances

For winter, intense scents reminiscent of the warmth of Christmas are in vogue. The most common for these dates, either by its color or smell, are:

Cinnamon: it is one of the Christmas scents par excellence. In addition, it stimulates the mind and generates more positive thoughts.

• Red fruits: the most demanded fragrance at any time of the year. It brings vitality, positive energy and reduces stress levels.

• Strawberry and cream: ideal for a sweet Christmas. It brings a fresh strawberry aroma with a sugary touch. Ideal to stimulate the senses.

• Green tea and lime: one of the most particular perfumes that moves away from the usual floral proposals. It is fresh, natural and relaxing, ideal for those who do not tolerate too intense scents.

• White flowers: the most narcotic and enveloping scent of all. It transmits peace and tranquility.

• Vanilla: perfect to evoke a light scent of Christmas sweets. It has relaxing properties and evokes calm.

Árbol con velas

2. How to enhance them: leave an open sample

The first point to enhance a scent is to attract customers with it. To do this, we must leave an open sample near the rest of the production. In addition, by serving as a sample, it will prevent your customers from opening all the boxes, causing chaos.

You can also choose one to give personality to the store, using it in humidifiers or automatic dispensers, which in turn serves as a lure. You can change the scent according to the season of the year to enhance the freshest in summer and the most intense in winter.

Acorde fragances velas de canela

3. Acorde fragrances. How to enhance them: create collections by scent

Another strategy that usually works is to group products by scent. This helps to enhance one item over another.

For example, you can place vanilla candles together with mikados of the same scent and water-soluble essences because, if a person buys an accessory of this fragrance, he or she will most likely look for more similar items to complete the perfume of his or her home.

In addition, this also makes your shelves look more beautiful and makes shopping more convenient, enhancing the user’s in-store experience.


Acorde fragances frutos rojos

4. Put them in context

Most of the time, aromatic products are bought to decorate rather than to perfume. Put them in context so that they attract more attention in the store and the customer comes to the shelf in search of them.

For example, taking advantage of Christmas, you can add a red or green candle in a centerpiece, integrating it with the decoration.

Acorde fragances vela con caja canela

5. Acorde fragrances: use displays

Displays are a good option to enhance these types of items at the point of sale, as these products are usually manageable in size and allow you to have more space to add different pieces that are related.

For example, you can use a tray display to fill it with candles, mikados, humidifiers and water-soluble essences. Use a shelf for each scent to keep them together but tidy.

In addition, they are perfect to place near the counter with the lowest price range, as they are items that work very well for impulse buying and the counter is a point where the customer does not have too much reaction time, so it is easier to generate a sale.

Another way to use this sales method is to create a specific space for promotional products within the same aisle to which they belong. This way, they will attract more attention and you will reinforce their sale.

The good thing about using these displays is that you can reuse them for other Acorde fragrances campaigns.

Acorde fragances expositor

6. Acorde fragrances: prepare special signage

If you want to enhance the Christmas scents or give a winter touch to the ones you already have in store, you can prepare posters with Christmas motifs to hang or paste on the shelves so that these products acquire an image more in line with the season.

These are the 6 Acorde fragrances Christmas scents that we have selected this year and how you can enhance them at the point of sale. Do you agree? Would you add or remove any point? We’ll read you in the comments.